By BHB Historial Society Newsletter 1 August, 2018
Butcher Shop at 533 Blockhouse Bay Road
Changes coming in our village mainstreet.
The building at 533 Bockhouse Bay Road is due for demolition, because the old original building was moving on its foundations, and it will be replaced with a new shop, and apartments.
In about 1930, No. 533 was a purpose built butchers shop. It had sawdust on the floor, a huge wooden butcher chopping block, a rail on which carcasses were hung, as well as a cool room at the rear. The front of the shop was distinctive, faced with hygienic looking white tiles, with “Butcher” written in black tiles.

Harry Forman was the first butcher in the village and his shop was a great asset for the local housewives, giving them the opportunity to shop at hygienic premises, and offering a wider selection than that available from the horse and cart delivery, which previously had been their only option for fresh meat.

The next proprietors were the Smith Brothers, Roy and Bill, who continued this business until Lynmall opened in 1967, the event which caused many of our village shops to close.
Our Archives have no record of the next tenants, let us know if perhaps you have information?
At one stage there was a book exchange here, well known for the proprietor’s cats sleeping in the window.
We understand after that the lawyer next door used it as office space. The shop then became ‘The Bay Dragon’ the proprietor, Judy, has been in the village for 15 years, and we hope to see her back again when the new building is completed.

Unfortunately, despite our best efforts it is not possible to save the tiles on the front, because of the way in which they were attached, nor is it possible to save the mural on the side depicting Bill Woods (senior) with his daughter-in-law Jean, in his strawberry gardens in Exminster Street. The mural also depicts a typical kauri workman’s cottage in background, (similar to the cottage at 133 Taylor Street.) The mural was painted by Louis Statham Graphics in 2003.
Published in the society newsletter August 2018

Shop demolition 31 August 2018
What does it look like now