
Butcher Shop at 533 Blockhouse Bay Road

Butcher Shop at 533 Blockhouse Bay Road

Changes coming in our village mainstreet.

The building at 533 Bockhouse Bay Road is due for demolition, because the old original building was moving on its foundations, and it will be replaced with a new shop, and apartments.

In about 1930, No. 533 was a purpose built butchers shop. It had sawdust on the floor, a huge wooden butcher chopping block, a rail on which carcasses were hung, as well as a cool room at the rear. The front of the shop was distinctive, faced with hygienic looking white tiles, with “Butcher” written in black tiles.

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BHB Primary School Memories During WW2

Memories of Primary School During WW2

A wet afternoon and a box of old photos needing labelling and sorting, but soon I found myself remembering back to the 1940s. One memory led to another and though the photos are still largely unsorted, I had a fascinating afternoon, even going right back to commencing school during the early days of WWII.

Miss French on chair with flowers.
Miss French at her farwell from Blockhouse Bay School in 1943.

Blockhouse Bay Historical Society

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Blockhouse Bay library

Blockhouse Bay library

(Adapted from a talk given by Keith Rusden (President of the Blockhouse Bay Historical Society), at the Blockhouse Bay Library on the 10th Anniversary of the official opening of the library, 25 February 2005.)

The Blockhouse Bay library on its 10th anniversary in 2005

Blockhouse Bay for many years was served by a Mobile Library which visited the area two days a week, Local residents were not happy, however, complaining that it could not supply a wide enough range of reading material. The people wanted access to reference books, a wide range of children’s books, and books to cater for all ages.

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Four Square Store

Blockhouse Bay Grocery and General Store opened c.1917

Talk by Frances Winchcombe Booker, 1 December 2004

Introduction: From 1917 to 1922 the Store was owned by Percy Fowler, followed by L. & W. Wood; then in 1924 Mr Simons, followed by Mr Walters; 1927 to 1938 it was owned by the McMurray family; and 1943 to 1952 by W. G. Winchcombe & Co.

In 1938 McMurray built and moved into a brand new brick building on the corner of Blockhouse Bay Road and Kinross Street, which consisted of a huge storage basement, a very large shop with living accommodation at the rear, and five bedrooms and bathroom upstairs.

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The Whau Blockhouse

The Whau Blockhouse

(Adapted from a talk given by Keith Rusden (Blockhouse Bay Historical Society), at the Blockhouse Bay Library during Heritage Week, on 7 September 2004.)

The building which eventually gave our marine suburb its name was constructed in 1860. At this time the Land War in Taranaki was escalating and there were fears it would spread north and so a defence system for Auckland was actioned.

Colonel Thomas Mould of the Royal Engineers was charged with planning the location and type of defence system needed. Although throughout the town of Auckland there were already several stoutly built structures which would require little work to convert for this purpose. such as St Paul’s Church, Colonel Mould in due course drew up a plan showing eleven strategic positions where a blockhouse should be built.

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Pine Ridge — the story of an old house

Pine Ridge — the story of an old house

The story of an old house, presented to the meeting of Blockhouse Bay Historical Group on Wednesday, 4 August 2004, by Eileen (Eades) Rusden

We have been extremely fortunate to trace the history of a house and the families which lived in it, from 1888 to the present day. As to be expected, it has sustained extensive structural alterations in the course of over 100 years, as it was altered to sustain the lifestyles of the families.

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26 Endeavour Street

Another piece of our history disappears – 26 Endeavour Street

This cottage stood on the corner of Gilfillan Street and Endeavour Street.

26 Endeavour Street cottage

Ten acres ran down from the corner of Gilfillan Street down Endeavour Street to Kinross Street in 1871 bought by land speculator Stephen Norris and sold on same day to George Foster, a ‘dealer’, who in 1881 sold the land to Margaret Johnson.

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Armanasco House

Armanasco House — the historic home on the Village Green

The historic house on the Village Green was built by Stefano and Maria Armanasco, early settlers in Blockhouse Bay. The house was built circa 1890 on their farm facing onto Wynyard Road (now Blockhouse Bay Road), just down from the Medical Centre at 497 Blockhouse Bay Road.

Photo of the original home without its verandah

The Armanasco family outside the front of the house on its original site on Wynyard Road, before the verandah was added

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Auckland City Heritage Listings

Auckland City Heritage Listings

The following places have been given Heritage Listing under the Auckland City District Plan, Isthmus section.

  • Green Bay Mission Hall (1970 Baptist Church).
  • Blockhouse Bay beach sea wall.
  • Paice House, built 1889. 75 Endeavour Stret (access from the beach) but now access from 11b Taunton Terrace.

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Hing Cottage

Hing Cottage

Hing Cottage

This cottage stood on part of Lot 1 of Block 76, just along from the corner of Blockhouse Bay Road and Donovan Street.

  • 1940 The Hing family lived in the cottage. They also had a little fruit shop on the corner.
  • 1950 July: Joan and Douglas Costain purchased the cottage.
  • 1960 Property sold to Auckland Savings Bank and the cottage demolished.
  • 1965 25 May: The Mayor of Auckland, Mr D. M. Robinson, and the president of the Auckland Savings Bank, Hon. W. T. Anderton, preside at the opening of the new Auckland Savings Bank building with the branch manager, Mr P. F. Downs.

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