Historic trees

Historic trees in the City Council District Plan, August 2004

There are three categories in the plan:

  • a historical / cultural value
  • b botanic value
  • c visual amenity value
The trees Category   Location
Pohutukawa b, c 186 Blockhouse Bay Road
Pines (20) c 572–576 Blockhouse Bay Road
Puriri b, c 615 Blockhouse Bay Road
Pohutukawa (2) b, c 43 Puketea Street
Pohutukawa, Southern Red Oak    b, c 75–81 Taunton Terrace
Stand of native trees: totara,
rimu, kahikatea, kauri, tanekaha,
kahikatea, kauri, tanekaha,
kawaka, puriri, kohekohe, etc. b, c 2–43 Windermere Crescent

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