
Kauri tree

Kauri tree

Written and researched by Keith Rusden

As far as can be ascertained, the Blockhouse Bay area can boast only one veteran kauri tree. This tree sits precariously on the cliff edge, exposed to the prevailing wind and weather and all the elements.

At my request, Bruce Edwards, the Auckland City arborist, viewed this tree on 17 June 2004 to give an estimate of its age (before this he had been unaware of its existence).

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Historic trees

Historic trees in the City Council District Plan, August 2004

There are three categories in the plan:

  • a historical / cultural value
  • b botanic value
  • c visual amenity value
The trees Category   Location
Pohutukawa b, c 186 Blockhouse Bay Road
Pines (20) c 572–576 Blockhouse Bay Road
Puriri b, c 615 Blockhouse Bay Road
Pohutukawa (2) b, c 43 Puketea Street
Pohutukawa, Southern Red Oak    b, c 75–81 Taunton Terrace
Stand of native trees: totara,
rimu, kahikatea, kauri, tanekaha,
kahikatea, kauri, tanekaha,
kawaka, puriri, kohekohe, etc. b, c 2–43 Windermere Crescent

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