
Four Square Store

Blockhouse Bay Grocery and General Store opened c.1917

Talk by Frances Winchcombe Booker, 1 December 2004

Introduction: From 1917 to 1922 the Store was owned by Percy Fowler, followed by L. & W. Wood; then in 1924 Mr Simons, followed by Mr Walters; 1927 to 1938 it was owned by the McMurray family; and 1943 to 1952 by W. G. Winchcombe & Co.

In 1938 McMurray built and moved into a brand new brick building on the corner of Blockhouse Bay Road and Kinross Street, which consisted of a huge storage basement, a very large shop with living accommodation at the rear, and five bedrooms and bathroom upstairs.

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The Whau Blockhouse

The Whau Blockhouse

(Adapted from a talk given by Keith Rusden (Blockhouse Bay Historical Society), at the Blockhouse Bay Library during Heritage Week, on 7 September 2004.)

The building which eventually gave our marine suburb its name was constructed in 1860. At this time the Land War in Taranaki was escalating and there were fears it would spread north and so a defence system for Auckland was actioned.

Colonel Thomas Mould of the Royal Engineers was charged with planning the location and type of defence system needed. Although throughout the town of Auckland there were already several stoutly built structures which would require little work to convert for this purpose. such as St Paul’s Church, Colonel Mould in due course drew up a plan showing eleven strategic positions where a blockhouse should be built.

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Pine Ridge — the story of an old house

Pine Ridge — the story of an old house

The story of an old house, presented to the meeting of Blockhouse Bay Historical Group on Wednesday, 4 August 2004, by Eileen (Eades) Rusden

We have been extremely fortunate to trace the history of a house and the families which lived in it, from 1888 to the present day. As to be expected, it has sustained extensive structural alterations in the course of over 100 years, as it was altered to sustain the lifestyles of the families.

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Historic trees

Historic trees in the City Council District Plan, August 2004

There are three categories in the plan:

  • a historical / cultural value
  • b botanic value
  • c visual amenity value
The trees Category   Location
Pohutukawa b, c 186 Blockhouse Bay Road
Pines (20) c 572–576 Blockhouse Bay Road
Puriri b, c 615 Blockhouse Bay Road
Pohutukawa (2) b, c 43 Puketea Street
Pohutukawa, Southern Red Oak    b, c 75–81 Taunton Terrace
Stand of native trees: totara,
rimu, kahikatea, kauri, tanekaha,
kahikatea, kauri, tanekaha,
kawaka, puriri, kohekohe, etc. b, c 2–43 Windermere Crescent

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26 Endeavour Street

Another piece of our history disappears – 26 Endeavour Street

This cottage stood on the corner of Gilfillan Street and Endeavour Street.

26 Endeavour Street cottage

Ten acres ran down from the corner of Gilfillan Street down Endeavour Street to Kinross Street in 1871 bought by land speculator Stephen Norris and sold on same day to George Foster, a ‘dealer’, who in 1881 sold the land to Margaret Johnson.

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Armanasco House

Armanasco House — the historic home on the Village Green

The historic house on the Village Green was built by Stefano and Maria Armanasco, early settlers in Blockhouse Bay. The house was built circa 1890 on their farm facing onto Wynyard Road (now Blockhouse Bay Road), just down from the Medical Centre at 497 Blockhouse Bay Road.

Photo of the original home without its verandah

The Armanasco family outside the front of the house on its original site on Wynyard Road, before the verandah was added

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Auckland City Heritage Listings

Auckland City Heritage Listings

The following places have been given Heritage Listing under the Auckland City District Plan, Isthmus section.

  • Green Bay Mission Hall (1970 Baptist Church).
  • Blockhouse Bay beach sea wall.
  • Paice House, built 1889. 75 Endeavour Stret (access from the beach) but now access from 11b Taunton Terrace.

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Blockhouse Bay Basketball

in Clubs

Blockhouse Bay Basketball – 1920s style

In the early 1920s, the young women living in or near Blockhouse Bay, formed themselves into a basketball team. In those days each team had nine players, and the game was played on a court divided equally into three sections. Three of the team were defenders and stayed in one of the end thirds of the court. Three were designated centres and stayed in the centre section, and the final three girls were goalies and stayed in the other end of the court. Players were not allowed to move out of their area. Each player had one member of the opposing team to mark.

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Blockhouse Bay WW1 Honours Board 1914 - 1918

Blockhouse Bay WW1 Honours Board 1914 - 1918

Those who died

Surname Given name Rank Service # Regiment Died Where buried or remembered
Abel Arthur Howard 2nd Lieutenant 22159 2nd Batt, Auck. Inf. Reg. 1/9/1918 Bancourt British Cemetery, France
Catton Charles William Private 12/4152 2nd N.Z. M. Gun Coy 15/9/1916 Caterpillar Valley N.Z. Memorial, Somme, France
Catton John Private 12/4153 Auk. Inf. Batt. 21/9/1916 Caterpillar Valley N.Z. Memorial, Somme, France
Flaxman Reuben Private 21244 2nd Bat, Auck. Inf. Reg. 6/6/1917 Westoff Farm Cemetery, Belgium
Hastie John Malam Corporal 12/122728 Auck. Inf. Batt. 4/10/1917 Tyne Cot Memorial, Belgium
Lamb Edward Thomas Trooper 13/201 Auck. Mtd. Rifles 27/8/1915 Hill 60 N.Z. Memorial, Gallipoli, Turkey
Oxenham Frederick George Trooper 13/2235 Auck. Mtd. Rifles 14/11/1917 Ramleh War Cemetery, Isreal
Wyman Benson Henry Qtr, Master Sgt. 75218 N. Z. Training Unit 15/11/1918 Featherston Cemetery, New Zealand

Those who returned

Surname Given name Rank Service # Regiment
Alexander George Alfred Able Seaman ANF1461 HMS Pyramus
Alexander Henry Charles Private 12/3933 Auck. Inf. Bat.
Armanasco William Stefano Private 64416 Otago Inf. Bat.
Banton Charles Hamilton Gunner 13/2713 N.Z. Field Art.
Catton Alan Leopold Private 12/4525 Auck. Inf. Bat.
Catton Thomas Robert Trooper 13/2453 Auck. Mtd. Rifles
Davoren John Gunner 50541 N.Z. Field Artillery
Eady Sydney Leslie Corporal 52038 Spec. Coy., Signals
Flaxman Arthur Edward Private 70464 35th Reinf., A Coy.
Gittos Harold Merlin Qtr. Master Sgt. 12/3330 Auck. Inf. Batt.
Hastie Frank Sergeant 13/362 Auck. Mtd. Rifles
Hastie George Qtr. Master Sgt. 12/755 Auck. Inf. Batt.
Henderson James Alexander L/Cpl. 38538 N.Z. Rifle Brigade
Ingram Christopher Captain 12/2902 Auck. Reg.
March Henry Private 78122 39th Reinf., B Coy
McLeod Roy Thomas Private 70508 36th Reinf,. Spec. Com.
Neeley William Private 56176 Otago Inf. Bat.
Uffindell Frederick Private 38772 21st Reinf., E Coy.
Walker George Henry Private 64389 N.Z. Home Service
Walker Harold William Corporal 33979 N.Z.D.C.
Wyman Ralph Major 13/158 Main Body
Based on the list published in the Society newsletter Number 65, April 2015.

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Camping at the Bay

in Places

Camping at the Bay

Around the beginning of the 20th century, families began making the arduous journey over unformed roads, to camp at Blockhouse Bay beach reserve. They camped at both Blockhouse Bay and Sandy Bay and many came back year after year to the same site, where they had built a fireplace and dug ditches for drainage. There was a real community spirit among the campers, and when fishermen returned with large catches, the extra was shared so that all the families had some. The children all played together while the women shared chores and sat and chatted while the men fished or relaxed. After all, it was a holiday.

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